Following the great trio of the Monet2Klimt exhibition, the NEW Kandisky2Malevich exhibition represents a parallel of the same era and shows the great works of Hilma af Klint, Wassily Kandisky and Kazimir Malevich. This exhibition consists of XX paintings, followed by XX symphonies.
It is impressive to see how these art extravagates were living in the same era but were pioneers of the totally another art direction – the abstract
Hilma af Klint,
Wassily Kandisky
and Kazimir Malevich
The exhibition "Monet2Kimt" consists of over 140 carefully chosen main works of Oscar-Claude Monet, Vincent Willem van Gogh and Gustav Klimt, shown in chronological order, putting an era of art history under the same roof.
Those three geniuses, each on their own way, were pioneers in making postulates and direction of change from 'classical' into 'modern' art.
Oscar-Claude Monet,
Vincent Willem
van Gogh and Gustav Klimt
Oscar-Claude Monet,
Vincent Willem
van Gogh and
Gustav Klimt